What nobody will tell you about JSON

What follows is an edited transcript of a talk I gave at App Builders Zürich in July 2016. I have arranged the content in a different way and omitted some parts to make the written version more coherent. The slides are also available in PDF.


Back in February, the mobile team at FIFA TMS was asked to develop a new feature for GPX. The application was written in Objective-C at that time, but this new feature was pretty much isolated from the rest of the code. The only shared components were an HTTP client to fetch data from backend, a style guide and some other small helpers. We decided to implement it in Swift, because we would not need to mix and match both languages too much.

One of the decisions that we had to make was how to parse backend responses. We didn’t want to reinvent the wheel, so we started looking at existing solutions. That led us to discover some interesting facts about third party libraries in Swift, in particular for parsing JSON.

At the time of writing, these are the number of GitHub repositories mentioning JSON and decoding/parsing, without including forks:

If you do the math, it means that for every three Objective-C libraries there are almost two Swift libraries. That seems to mirror a similar trend in the Apple ecosystem in general, as pointed out by Orta Therox:

Looks like in the last month for every 4 Obj-C libraries, there are 3 Swift libraries.

There might be several reasons for this trend but since I’m not a data analyst I’m not going to go into details. I’ll just leave the numbers here to pique your curiosity.

What I would like to do is share a journey that we went through while looking for a library to parse JSON. This will serve as an excuse for sharing a few tips about sustainable development, specifically about how to deal with third party libraries. It won’t be cutting-edge, but it will serve as a reminder to stay away from the hype and consider how we are solving problems in Swift with a bit of perspective.

Before we continue, let me clarify the terminology we will use:

  • Deserialising, or decoding, is the operation that transforms binary data into a data structure that represents a JSON text (e.g [String: Any?] in Swift)
  • Parsing is the operation that takes that data structure (e.g. querying a dictionary) and transforms it into a domain entity

JSON demystified

Let’s start with a brief summary on what JSON is and how we’ve been using it on Apple’s platforms.

When, why and how JSON was born

JSON was popularised by Douglas Crockford in 2001 as a format to transmit data between programs. It was developed as a subset of the JavaScript syntax defined in the ECMA-262 standard and intended to be a replacement for the complexity of XML. It quickly gained adoption because of its simplicity, you can listen to the story by the man himself.

So despite what many people think, JSON has been standardised:

  • RFC 4627, written by Douglas Crockford on 2006. He basically formalised the syntax that was originally published in json.org in 2002
  • ECMA-404, released in 2013. The standard was officially defined, consolidating the syntax for producing JSON text
  • RFC 7158 and RFC 7159, released on 2013 and 2014 respectively (note that RFC 7159 obsoletes both 7158 and 4627). These clarified and proposed a set of best practices to avoid interoperability problems

The syntax specification is the same in all documents. The only difference is that later RFCs go a little bit further by including operational aspects, like the reserved MIME type (application/json) or the preferred text encoding (UTF-8).

What about other alternatives?

Are there any alternatives to JSON for transmitting data? The answer to this question is a bit tricky. There are alternatives indeed, but one of the keys for the success of JSON has been its simplicity. With that in mind we could use:

  • XML, but I guess that’s not really an option
  • YAML, which is a superset of JSON with its own issues
  • MessagePack, which is closely related to JSON and somewhat more performant
  • FlatBuffers, which is an entirely different concept

These are only some well known examples, there are other options out there. Some of them might be more performant, but most of them don’t have native support in either Objective-C or Swift. Thus, the complexity they add to the code doesn’t make them worthwhile.

MessagePack is maybe the only format that I would really consider as a replacement, because the syntax is roughly the same but the performance is a bit better. In general, binary formats are a better option when data size is a problem. They are also more flexible, allowing to transmit binary data (e.g. images) or non UTF-8 strings without any additional conversion.

Which tools does Apple give us?

Having defined the basics of what JSON us, let’s see now the main tool that Apple gives us to work with it: NSJSONSerialization.

NSJSONSerialization was introduced in 2011 with iOS 5 and has been a de facto class to serialise and deserialise JSON objects. The public interface is minimal, with two main methods:

  • JSONObjectWithData(_:options:), to deserialise NSData into AnyObject
  • dataWithJSONObject(_:options:), to serialise AnyObject into NSData

It’s worth noting that Apple has only made one revision in 2014 to clarify the behaviour of the error reporting.

The documentation also states an important limitation regarding the latest JSON standard:

The top level object is either an NSArray or an NSDictionary.

This is an interesting limitation, because as of RFC 7518 §2 the standard allows any JSON value as a top-level root object 1.

And there is also an important piece of advice:

Other rules may apply. Calling isValidJSONObject: or attempting a conversion are the definitive ways to tell if a given object can be converted to JSON data.

I couldn’t find which other rules they refer to. So on the event of unexpected behaviour we have to use isValidJSONObject: to debug.

This lack of support of the latest standard is probably the fundamental reason that justifies writing an alternative JSON serialiser. Although, to be honest, I have rarely found myself receiving a JSON object where the top-level object was not a dictionary or an array.

What’s wrong with parsing JSON?

By reading the standard we can see that JSON is a fairly simple format. What’s wrong with it then? Why do we have such proliferation of libraries for Swift, attempting to provide the definitive way of doing something that simple? Bear with me and let’s propose a few hypothesis on that.

Limited support in Swift

One reason could be the limited support that Swift offers. If you think about it, parsing JSON in Objective-C is easier thanks to reflection and Key Value Coding. Mantle and OSReflectionKit are two good examples of how these language features are used.

Swift, on the other hand, has limited support for reflection. There are some protocols like CustomReflectable and the Mirror type. But still, it doesn’t have the dynamism of Objective-C.

The issue here might be that we’re trying to solve a problem using the same approach, when we have fundamentally different languages.

Limitations of NSJSONSerialization

Another reason could be the limitations of NSJSONSerialization. Maybe because we are not happy with its performance, maybe because the Objective-C API doesn’t play well with Swift or maybe because we want full support of the latest RFC.

Learning experience

A third reason could be to use it as a learning exercise. Fair enough, it’s indeed an interesting exercise and a good way to explore the language. But again, that doesn’t justify the release of so many libraries.


A final reason could simply be… bragging! Swift is a new language and it’s cool to show the latest thing that we did with it.

Evaluating libraries

Going back to the beginning of the post, let’s go through all the libraries for parsing JSON that we tried.


The first library we tried was Freddy, from the folks at Big Nerd Ranch. Here is an example on how to parse data:

import Freddy

let data = getSomeData() // returns NSData
do {
  let json = try JSON(data: data)
  let success = try json.bool("success")
  // do something with `success`
} catch {
  // do something with the error

The first thing to note here is that the json variable is initialised with an NSData object. Freddy implements its own deserialiser, so we can skip NSJSONSerialization altogether. While they claim it’s faster, one disadvantage is that we cannot use serialisers of some popular HTTP clients like Alamofire), nor the ones we had based on NSJSONSerialization.

So while this library looked great, in exchange we had to extend our HTTP client to replace NSJSONSerialization with something else.

Populating models with a JSON object is possible by adopting the JSONDecodable protocol. This approach is really common in many libraries out there:

struct Person {
  let name: String
  let age: Int

extension Person: JSONDecodable {
  init(json value: JSON) throws {
    name = try value.string("name")
    age = try value.int("age")

Note that we have to use a specific method for every data type. I think this is redundant, because there’s not much difference compared with value["name"] as? String. On the other hand, having all the error handling internally comes in handy.


Then we tried Argo, from Thoughtbot. This library uses currying heavily, so we had to import two libraries: Argo and Curry. Here is an example on how to parse data:

import Argo
import Curry

struct Person {
  let name: String
  let age: Int

extension Person: Decodable {
  static func decode(j: JSON) -> Decoded<User> {
    return curry(User.init)
      <^> j <| "name"
      <*> j <| "age"

let json: AnyObject? = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: [])

if let j: AnyObject = json {
  let person: Person? = decode(j)

Just take a moment to see all the things that take part in this approach:

  1. Generics
  2. Three custom operators
  3. Currying
  4. Three additional types (Decodable, JSON and Decoded)

But funnily enough, its authors state in the documentation that they:

[…] feel that these patterns greatly reduce the pain felt in trying to use JSON with Swift.

With all due respect, my answer to that is this statement from a Nick O’Neill’s talk:

Not every piece of clever code is a great pattern.

To be fair it’s true that this library was written for Swift 1, when everybody was experimenting and taking the functional aspects of Swift to the limit. So I can understand why they took this approach.


Let’s continue with ObjectMapper, by Hearst. Here is an example on how to parse data:

import ObjectMapper

struct Person {
  var name: String
  var age: Int

extension Person: Mappable {
  init?(_ map: Map) {}

  mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
    name <- map["name"]
    age  <- map["age"]

This library also uses custom operators, but at least they’re more intuitive and easier to read; they almost look like assignment operators.

The biggest disadvantage though is that it forces us to use mutable properties on a model. That’s because they decided to implement parsing as an operation that occurs after initialising an object.

This approach works really well if we are dealing with Core Data objects, which are inherently mutable. But for the rest of cases, not having the safety net of immutable types was a no-go for us.


The next candidate was SwiftyJSON. Here is an example on how to parse data with it:

import SwiftyJSON

struct Person {
  let name: String
  let age: Int

extension Person {
  init?(json: [String: AnyObject]) {
    guard let name = json["name"].string else {
      return nil

    guard let age = json["age"].int else {
      return nil

    self.name = name
    self.age = age

SwiftyJSON starts to look like a decent solution. To begin with, we don’t need any custom types. We can just pass a plain dictionary, as returned by NSJSONSerialization. And we are not forced to use a given initialiser from a protocol. We have complete freedom to populate our objects however we want.

But this library still has one issue, the same as Freddy: we have to be explicit with the type of the objects we are trying to fetch. It seemed to us that we could use some type inference here. Moreover, this particular example also shows that error handling can become overly verbose.


And finally, the last library we tried: Unbox, by John Sundell. I have to admit that this one is my favourite by far, kudos to John for this fantastic tool. This is how you can parse JSON with Unbox:

import Unbox

struct Person {
  let name: String
  let age: Int

extension Person: Unboxable {
  init(unboxer: Unboxer) {
    name = unboxer.unbox("name")
    age = unboxer.unbox("age")

let person: Person = try Unbox(dictionary)

With Unbox we can keep our objects immutable, make use of type inference to avoid being explicit with the data types and use plain dictionaries as well. You can see how better is this library just by comparing the amount of code needed, yet remaining simple and easy to read.

But there’s still one small drawback: we have to depend on the unbox(_) function, the Unboxable protocol and the Unboxer type. Too many foreign types in our codebase for our taste.

Our own parser

After trying all these libraries we became really frustrated. None of them offered us exactly what we were looking for.

But then we came across an article by Soroush Khanlou where he also described his struggles with JSON decoding. He mentions three key things that we wanted as well:

  • Avoiding explicit types by using type inference
  • Handling the existence/absence of keys by wrapping the native Dictionary type (it doesn’t throw errors when keys are missing)
  • Keeping error handling simple by using a do statement as opposed to using guard, which tends to be verbose when you have lots of values to fetch

So inspired by Soroush’s post we went ahead and implemented our own JSON parser. Here’s what parsing JSON looks like with our solution:

struct Person {
  let name: String
  let age: Int

extension Person: Deserializable {
  init?(response: [String: AnyObject]) {
    let parser = JSONParser(response)

    do {
      name = try parser.fetch("name")
      age = try parser.fetch("age")
    } catch {
      return nil

We finally came up with a combination of all the things that we liked from all the solutions we tried, while discarding the things we didn’t like:

  1. Keeping our properties immutable
  2. Avoiding being explicit with the property types, thanks to generics and type inference
  3. Avoiding (ab)using any custom operators. We decided to favour clarity over brevity
  4. Using the native Dictionary type, but wrapped into an object that handles all the error conditions
  5. Keeping error handling locally by using a do statement. From a higher level perspective we only wanted to know if the object could be created or not. Hence, the failable initialiser

I’m not going to show all the code here, but let’s take the main function as an example (the rest of the functions in the parser call this one):

struct JSONParser {

  private let dictionary: [String: AnyObject]?

  init(_ dictionary: [String: AnyObject]) {
    self.dictionary = dictionary

  func fetch<T>(key: String) throws -> T {
    guard let object = dictionary?[key] else  {
      throw ParseError.KeyNotFound(key)

    guard let value = object as? T else {
      throw ParseError.TypeMismatch(key: key, expected: T.self, found: object.dynamicType)

    return value


As you can see, fetching a value is as simple as:

  1. Checking that the key exists
  2. Checking that the value matches the expected type
  3. Returning the value

Lessons learned

This journey was a bit painful, but a good exercise overall. And as I said at the beginning, parsing JSON is just an excuse I wanted to use to share with you some principles or tips about sustainable development.

Reasons to avoid a third party JSON library

While adding a third party library might sound like a reasonable thing to do (it did for us), there are a few things to keep in mind.

Make sure your problem is not somewhere else

We saw that NSJSONSerialization is limiting and does not fulfil the standard completely. But in our case it covered all our needs. We as developers are tempted sometimes to try anything that is more performant or faster. But is it really worth the complexity added? In my experience, if an iOS application is suffering from performance problems, the answer is often somewhere else, not while parsing JSON.

Strive for simple solutions to simple problems

We learned that a deeper knowledge of the language gave us new possibilities. Our JSON parser is really simple. With less than 200 hundred lines we covered all of our cases, including error handling and providing default values in case of errors.

We could’ve given up and patched our codebase to make it work with one of the libraries we tried. But we kept researching and learning until we found the simplest possible solution. My advise here would be to think it twice before adding third party code to solve a simple problem, because probably YAGNI.

Stay as close as possible to an evolving platform

Swift is evolving fast and things break often. And with the release of Swift 3 this is going to be really painful. Keeping our interfaces simple and independent from external components was key to be able to keep up with the evolution of the language.

Consider the following situation. A lot of teams relying in PromiseKit could not release their apps after upgrading Xcode from 7.3 to 7.3.1 due to a bug in the compiler. But Xcode 7.3.1 also fixed other compiler issues equally or more important. Developers in this situation had to decide whether to keep using 7.3 and wait on Apple or PromiseKit to fix the issue or patch PromiseKit themselves.

Can we afford to wait on framework maintainers to keep the pace of Swift changes? Sometimes we can, sometimes we cannot. That’s why we discarded libraries that forced us to use additional types and prefer to use the native types.

We thought that staying close to the platform was the best way to avoid future headaches until Swift 3 proves to be stable enough. Dave Thomas put it best this way:

When faced with two or more alternatives that deliver roughly the same value, take the path that makes future change easier.

Reasons for using a third party JSON library

Now, I don’t want to discourage everyone from using third party libraries at all. I am particularly conservative when it comes to that, that’s my personal choice as an engineer developer.

But there are also good reasons and appropriate scenarios where using a library totally makes sense.

Constrained environment or prototyping

If there are serious resource constraints or we are just simply building a prototype, an existing solution will do the job.

But note the emphasis on the word “serious”. Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that we don’t have enough time or people and we want to rush into code. And one month later we find that we have to review that design again because we jumped too fast into a solution. However, if constraints are real and unavoidable, go for a third party library.

When built-in facilities just don’t work

If for any reason we had wanted to have full support of the standard, then our only choice would’ve been to use Freddy. And writing a deserialiser is a way more complex task compared with writing a simple parser. So in that case, using an external component would’ve been the right choice.

Working with Objective-C

Objective-C is very dynamic in nature and that might lead to a lot of errors. In my experience it’s easier to get something wrong in Objective-C compared to Swift.

But the Objectice-C compiler is also way more stable than Swift and some of the libraries out there have been already tested in many battles. We can benefit from many years of experience, stability and testing, instead of writing our own solutions. That’s why I often use Mantle when I have to parse JSON in Objective-C.


I hope that these insights have helped shed some light on the issues of parsing JSON and encourage you to think twice before adding complexity to your code.

  1. During a revision of this post, @flufffel kindly pointed out that that passing the .allowFragments option disables this limitation.